Friday, April 22, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid:The Last Straw

The book is about my life, I am Greg Heffley. My father is trying to toughen me up, however he tries in a way which may not happen. I have a diary which i hope no one really finds out about. My brother Rodrick hates me so do i. We really don't get along at. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Last Straw is all about me, well is my diary of course is was going to be about me. I have a mother, father, and i have two siblings.  Mentioned early in the story, Greg's father is becoming tired with Greg's "wimpy" ways. Also, the "worst teenager on our street", Lenwood Heath gets shipped out to military school, sparking an idea in Frank's head that plays a huge role in the story. Later, the Heffleys see Lenwood at a ticket booth with cut the crew, proper and incredibly polite. This causes Frank to decide to enroll Greg into military school, Spag Union, which takes place during Greg's summer vacation. Greg tries in vain to change his father's mind, such as doing activities such as simple sports as soccer and vacation . However, they do not work. Therefore, Greg tries to impress Holly again, but it does not work at all. Finally, he settles for the sad fact he has to settle for Spag Union. But his summer won't be bad if he took some memories with him. All those especial memories they once spent together. In my diary i kept every single moment in my life. My best friend is a guy called fregley. It was that Frank Heffley believed that he could whip his son in shape,and tries to engage him in 'manly endeavors,like participating in rec league soccer teams.But of course, Greg is able to side step his father's doings,but finally knew his number is up when his father decides to ship him off to a military academy.So much for that, Greg escaped because of Seth Snella's half birthday party. Besides that, he met Trista in summer vacation.Let’s face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg’s father. You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to  toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other “manly” endeavors. Of course, Greg is able to easily sidestep his father’s efforts to change him. In my school there are new people, are they my buddies No. There is this mean girl, who is always bugging me. However, she is stroger than me! I know I can't belive it. She is goregous for  Rowley  again my best friend. We might fight once in a while, but is nothing serious. My have amazing memories together.  He is nicer to be than my brother the big one, because the younger brother we really do not talk to each other.  Rowley is a great bud, my Mother sometimes embarrising me. However, I still love her a lot.  Me, Greg and him, Rowley have been always beeen buds, since babies, just kidding.  Like its predecessors, there's no real story here. Greg torments and is tormented by his siblings, schemes to avoid work and learning, tries vainly to impress a girl, manipulates his one friend, and is treated unfairly by parents and teachers.The book starts with Greg's New Year's Day. The follow-up is Greg's Christmas, which is similar to Christmas in the first book; Greg gets nothing he likes from anyone. Uncle Charlie gives Greg a "laundry hoop" and Greg's mother, inspired, starts making Greg do his own laundry. Due to Greg's laziness, he does not do his laundry and does not plan to either. This plays a huge role later in the story. Mentioned early in the story, Greg's father is becoming fed up with Greg's "wimpy" ways. Also, the "worst teenager on our street", Lenwood Heath gets shipped out to military school, sparking an idea in Frank's head that plays a huge role in the story. Later, the Heffleys see Lenwood at a ticket booth with a crew cut,proper and incredibly polite. This causes Frank to decide to enroll Greg into military school, Spag Union, which takes place during Greg's summer vacation. Greg tries in vain to change his father's mind, such as doing activities such as soccer and Boy Scouts. However, they do not work. Therefore, Greg tries to impress Holly again, but it does not work at all. Finally, he settles for the sad fact he has to settle for Spag Union. But his summer won't be bad if he took some memories with him.
One day, his dad finds Manny's old blanket, Tingy, and throws it away. Manny gets revenge when he uses his dad's Civil War battlefield as a play set. Then Manny walks up to Greg and says "Ploopy!" Greg doesn't know what it means, so he asks to his mom, but she's talking on the phone. She says, "What is a ploopy?!" which was the exact thing Greg wanted to know. Then Manny starts calling Greg "ploopy" to get whatever he wants.
On Easter Sunday, Greg gets in the car, accidentally sitting on Manny's chocolate Easter bunny. He gets out of the car with chocolate on the back of his pants. Then Mom says that they can't skip church when Rodrick takes off his pants and says "He can wear MY pants!" Mom gives Greg her Easter sweater to tie around his waist.
In Easter church service, he looks at Manny, who is playing with the things Mom and Dad brought to entertain him, and then thinks about the day when Manny threw a fit at preschool when his mom cut his sandwich in half, not in quarters the way he likes it. Mom had to drive all the way there to make the extra slice. Then he whispers in Manny's ear, "Ploopy!" Manny starts crying and Mom can't calm him down, so they have to go home.
Also mentioned earlier in the story, the Heffley's neighbors, the Snellas, are having a half-birthday for their youngest child Seth. My mom reallly tries to help me and helps others.
I remeber once in a dance, my mother tried to dance and so back then me
Rowley were in a fight. So Rowley and his mom stared dancing, really cool dancing by the way. At the end of everything, everything went  correct. So i always do I will continue to write in my diary.
My diary is my secrect buddie, i tell him everything  and i will still be writting everything.
I love my diary, after all is the diary of a wimpy kid. Wimpy kid which is me Greg!

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